Before you apply for a construction loan, it is important to understand how they work. The amount you need to put down depends on your project, the cost of the land, and how you plan to use the funds. Lenders generally require a high down payment so they know that you’re fully committed to the project, and that the money won’t just disappear during construction. Guide to Construction Loans require you to submit your personal credit history, so you need to check both your personal FICO score and business’s credit history.
Interest-only payments
Many people ask: What is the difference between interest-only payments and principle and interest-plus-charge construction loans? The former means that payments are only made on the actual amount borrowed, not on the principle. This allows borrowers to keep the overall construction costs low, since they only pay interest on the amount borrowed. However, interest-only construction loans can have higher monthly payments than principle and-plus-charge construction loans. Therefore, it is important to know what your options are.
Construction loans require interest-only payments throughout the construction phase. The lender will make periodic reviews of your progress, flagging any concerns and requesting more money if necessary. While this means that your payments are lower during construction, you’ll have more time to save. Furthermore, it’s important to remember that a construction loan isn’t just for building new homes. In fact, it’s also a great option for remodeling existing homes and making additions.
Down payment of at least 20%
If you’re planning on building a new home, you’ll need a down payment for a construction loan. Construction loans require at least 20% down payment, but some lenders accept smaller down payments. However, many construction loans have strict qualifying requirements, and the down payment can be a significant factor in the overall cost of the project. If you plan to finance the construction of the home with a construction loan, be prepared to pay a higher interest rate than you’d expect. A down payment for a construction loan should never be a total of more than 20% of the home’s cost.
While a down payment isn’t necessary for most construction loans, some lenders will require a larger amount for new construction. A down payment of at least 20% is usually required, but some lenders may allow as little as 3.5%. In any case, it’s always better to pay for construction costs with cash, rather than with a loan. While the down payment for construction loans may not seem like a lot, it will make the process go much faster.
Variable interest rates
If you’re considering a construction loan, you should understand the range of interest rates available. Most construction loans have a variable interest rate, which changes throughout the loan’s term based on a prime rate or index. While construction loan interest rates typically hover around one percentage point higher than standard mortgage rates, they can fluctuate significantly. Today, you might see a construction loan interest rate around five or six percent. That may seem high, but construction loans are generally riskier than traditional mortgages.
Because these loans require time to complete, you should consider the length of the construction process before deciding on variable interest rates. A construction loan will require you to have a realistic budget and comprehensive blueprints before you’re approved. During this time, you’ll be required to make interest-only payments. In addition, unlike personal loans, construction loans disburse funds in phases. When the construction phase is complete, you will only be responsible for the interest you’ve paid on the balance until that point.
Converting a construction loan into a home loan
When you need to finance a home, it is a good idea to use a construction loan as your temporary mortgage. This type of loan converts into a permanent mortgage once the construction is complete. You can avoid extra closing costs and save money in the long run by securing both loans before the home is finished. In addition, a construction loan can save you money by avoiding the risk of rising interest rates later.
Before getting a construction loan, you need to determine if it offers a loan conversion option. Most lenders consider the process of converting a construction loan into a mortgage refinancing process. Therefore, you should compare several loan options to find one that offers you the best terms and lowest fees. The benefit of converting a construction loan to a mortgage is that you won’t have to apply for two loans.